% % The following files form the LaTeX2e distribution of 1994/12/17 % % % CONTENTS OF THE LaTeX2e DISTRIBUTION % ==================================== % % Documentation: % -------------- % % 00readme.txt -- The distribution guide. % install.txt -- How to install LaTeX (overview). % decustex.txt -- How to install LaTeX with VAX/VMS DECUS TeX. % directex.txt -- How to install LaTeX with Mac DirectTeX. % emtex.txt -- How to install LaTeX with PC emTeX. % microtex.txt -- How to install LaTeX with PC MicroTeX. % oztex.txt -- How to install LaTeX with Mac OzTeX. % pastex.txt -- How to install LaTeX with Amiga PasTeX. % pctex.txt -- How to install LaTeX with PC PCTeX. % textures.txt -- How to install LaTeX with Mac Textures. % web2ctex.txt -- How to install LaTeX with Unix web2c TeX. % yandytex.txt -- How to install LaTeX with PC Y&Y TeX. % template.txt -- A template for writing installation guides. % texpert.txt -- Documentation for TeX experts. % manifest.txt -- This file. % legal.txt -- LaTeX copyright/warranty/copying restrictions. % bugs.txt -- How to submit a bug report for LaTeX. % latexbug.tex -- File to generate a bug report. % latexbug.el -- File to generate a bug report using GNU emacs. % source2e.tex -- File to produce kernel documentation. % changes.txt -- List of changes in reverse chronological order. % patches.txt -- Explains the patch mechanism. % % % Kernel files: % ------------- % % cmfonts.fdd -- Font definitions for Computer modern fonts. % fontdef.dtx -- Code for font definitions. % lthyphen.dtx -- Hyphenation support. % ltboxes.dtx -- Code for making boxes. % ltclass.dtx -- Class and option handling. % ltcounts.dtx -- Counters. % ltpageno.dtx -- Page numbering. % ltxref.dtx -- Cross referencing. % ltlength.dtx -- Lengths. % ltdirchk.dtx -- Support for search in current directory. % ltfiles.dtx -- File handling. % ltfinal.dtx -- Code for debugging and final initialisations. % ltfloat.dtx -- Float handling. % ltfntcmd.dtx -- Various font switching commands. % ltfss.dtx -- Kernel font selection code. % ltidxglo.dtx -- Index and glossary. % ltbibl.dtx -- Bibliography commands. % ltalloc.dtx -- Allocation of counters and others. % ltdefns.dtx -- Initial definitions. % ltcntrl.dtx -- Program control macros. % lterror.dtx -- Error handling. % ltpar.dtx -- Paragraphs. % ltspace.dtx -- Spacing, line and page breaking. % ltlogos.dtx -- Logos. % ltlists.dtx -- Code for lists and related environments. % ltmath.dtx -- Code for math. % ltmiscen.dtx -- Code for miscellaneous environments. % ltoutenc.dtx -- Code for output encoding commands. % ltoutput.dtx -- LaTeX output routine. % ltpictur.dtx -- The picture environment. % ltpage.dtx -- Page styles and related commands. % ltplain.dtx -- Things borrowed from the plain format. % lttab.dtx -- The tabbing, tabular and array environments. % ltthm.dtx -- The theorem-like environments. % ltsect.dtx -- Sectioning and title commands. % ltvers.dtx -- Version identification code. % preload.dtx -- Code for preloading fonts. % testdist.dtx -- Code for checking distribution consistency. % unpacked.txt -- List of all files after unpacking. % % % Standard Classes: % ----------------- % % classes.dtx -- Standard document classes article/book/report. % letter.dtx -- Standard document class letter. % slides.dtx -- Code for SLiTeX. % slides.fdd -- Font declarations for SLiTeX. % % % LaTeX2.09 compatibility: % ------------------------ % % latex209.dtx -- Implements LaTeX 2.09 compatibility mode. % % % Standard packages: % ------------------ % % alltt.dtx -- Implements the alltt environment. % graphpap.dtx -- Implements programming \graphpaper command.. % inputenc.dtx -- Implements eight-bit input. % ifthen.dtx -- Implements programming control structures. % makeindx.dtx -- Implements support for generating an index. % pict2e.dtx -- Not yet written. % % % Font selection files: % --------------------- % % exscale.dtx -- Scaling the math extension font. % latexsym.dtx -- Definitions for LaTeX symbol fonts. % newlfont.dtx -- New semantics of font switching commands. % oldlfont.dtx -- Old semantics of font switching commands. % proc.dtx -- Proc package for use with the article class. % syntonly.dtx -- Syntonly package for running in syntax check mode. % tracefnt.sty -- Tracing the font selection code. % % % The doc package: % ---------------- % % doc.dtx -- Package for self documenting code. % docstrip.dtx -- Module for removing comments. % ltxdoc.dtx -- Class definitions for printing documentation. % % % Installation scripts for the various parts: % ------------------------------------------- % % unpack.ins -- LaTeX2e main installation script (see below). % % % Installation scripts used by unpack.ins: % ------------------------------------------ % % alltt.ins -- Installation script for the alltt package. % classes.ins -- Installation script for standard classes. % cmfonts.ins -- Installation script for Computer Modern fonts. % docstrip.ins -- Installation script for docstrip. % exscale.ins -- Installation script for scaling the cmex font. % graphpap.ins -- Installation script for graphpap.dtx. % inputenc.ins -- Installation script for inputenc.dtx. % ifthen.ins -- Installation script for ifthen.dtx. % latex209.ins -- Installation script for compatibility mode. % latexsym.ins -- Installation script for latexsym.dtx. % letter.ins -- Installation script for document class letter. % ltoutenc.ins -- Installation script for output encoding files. % makeindx.ins -- Installation script for makeindx.dtx. % proc.ins -- Installation script for the proc package. % pict2e.ins -- Installation script for the pict2e package. % slides.ins -- Installation script for SLiTeX. % syntonly.ins -- Installation script for the syntonly package. % % % Installation scripts to be by themselves: % ----------------------------------------- % % cmextra.ins -- Installation script for additional CM fonts. % % % Support files: % -------------- % % sample2e.tex -- Sample LaTeX input file. % small2e.tex -- Small sample LaTeX input file. % clsguide.tex -- How to write class files. % cfgguide.tex -- Guide to using `cfg' files to configure LaTeX. % fntguide.tex -- Guide to font selection. % usrguide.tex -- User guide for this release. % ltnews01.tex -- What is new about the first release. % ltnews02.tex -- What is new about this release. % ltxguide.cls -- Document class used by the guides. % ltnews.cls -- Document class for `news' document. % idx.tex -- Print out index entries in your document. % lablst.tex -- Generate list ob lables used in a document. % nfssfont.tex -- Test file for testing a font. % testpage.tex -- Test file for checking the accuracy of a printer. % manual.err -- Erratas for the LaTeX Manual. % compan.err -- Erratas for the LaTeX Companion. % Makefile.unx -- For producing the format under Unix. % % % ====================================================================== % % The following file list is read in during the installation procedure % to check that all the files are present. The file names should be % separated by white space, and this file should end with |\endinput|. % 00readme.txt Makefile.unx alltt.dtx alltt.ins bugs.txt cfgguide.tex changes.txt classes.dtx classes.ins clsguide.tex cmextra.ins cmfonts.fdd cmfonts.ins compan.err decustex.txt directex.txt doc.dtx docstrip.dtx docstrip.ins emtex.txt exscale.dtx exscale.ins fntguide.tex fontdef.dtx graphpap.dtx graphpap.ins idx.tex ifthen.dtx ifthen.ins inputenc.dtx inputenc.ins install.txt lablst.tex latex209.dtx latex209.ins latexbug.el latexbug.tex latexsym.dtx latexsym.ins legal.txt letter.dtx letter.ins ltalloc.dtx ltbibl.dtx ltboxes.dtx ltclass.dtx ltcntrl.dtx ltcounts.dtx ltdefns.dtx ltdirchk.dtx lterror.dtx ltfiles.dtx ltfinal.dtx ltfloat.dtx ltfntcmd.dtx ltfss.dtx lthyphen.dtx ltidxglo.dtx ltlength.dtx ltlists.dtx ltlogos.dtx ltmath.dtx ltmiscen.dtx ltnews.cls ltnews01.tex ltnews02.tex ltoutenc.dtx ltoutenc.ins ltoutput.dtx ltpage.dtx ltpageno.dtx ltpar.dtx ltpictur.dtx ltplain.dtx ltsect.dtx ltspace.dtx lttab.dtx ltthm.dtx ltvers.dtx ltxdoc.dtx ltxguide.cls ltxref.dtx makeindx.dtx makeindx.ins manifest.txt manual.err microtex.txt newlfont.dtx nfssfont.tex oldlfont.dtx oztex.txt pastex.txt patches.txt pctex.txt pict2e.dtx pict2e.ins preload.dtx proc.dtx proc.ins sample2e.tex slides.dtx slides.fdd slides.ins small2e.tex source2e.tex syntonly.dtx syntonly.ins template.txt testdist.dtx testpage.tex texpert.txt textures.txt tracefnt.sty unpack.ins unpacked.txt usrguide.tex web2ctex.txt yandytex.txt \endinput